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Cybersecurity: How Safe is Safe?
Phishing. Identity theft. AI. Machine Learning. Protecting your identity online has been a concern since the early days of the internet, but how do we protect ourselves and our businesses as new threats arise? Is there a future where AI is used for more than targeted ads and location-based search? Cybersecurity Expert Tyler Cohen Wood breaks down the threats we should all be aware of and what we can expect next in online privacy and data collection.

Social Media Presence & Cybersecurity Risk
Your online presence can be the key to unlocking your privacy. Tyler Cohen Wood discusses how even the small things on social media can help hackers build a profile on anyone.

"I believe that there is a much more positive outcome that is available to us if we're willing to do the work to get there… That's going to be collaboration; that's going to be utilizing new technologies; that's going to be taking the onus of securing the devices off of the individual user... And I do believe that the future is positive."

Tyler Cohen Wood, CISSP
Cyber Security Expert, Former Senior Intelligence Officer Dept. of Defense, Private Consultant, Author
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