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The Currency of Illegal Activity
Cryptocurrency has a reputation for being the go-to financial workaround for illegal activity. Although there has been fraudulent behavior since its inception, there is a significant drop in the amount of criminality involved, thanks to regulation.

The Geography of Mining
What’s next for cryptocurrency mining? As government policies across the world ebb and flow, so will many mining operations, leading to geographical shifts based on energy costs, regulations and other country-specific factors.

The Fate of Cash
Paper money has been on a steady decline for years. With so many alternative payment methods becoming available—credit cards, mobile phones, wearables—cash will become decreasingly important in modern economies.

The Cons of Decentralizing Banking Systems
Our financial ecosystem is highly dependent on centuries-old trust networks. Can decentralization replace this complex framework we’ve built? With the massive computational power required to run these third-party systems, is cryptocurrency overkill?

How Does Cryptocurrency Work?
How does cryptocurrency actually work? Does the general ledger ensure financial legitimacy? Let’s break down this seemingly complex phenomenon into layman’s terms with a simple example transaction.

“It’s not surprising that replacing centuries-old trust networks with computer code is a difficult task. It’s a complicated issue…It’s going to be complex.”

Scott Condie
Financial Economist, Associate Professor , Brigham Young University
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